
My Story

Hello, My name is Zachary Graham, I was born in Calgary Alberta, and have been based in Toronto Ontario, for over 10 years now. I am currently in the process of completing my Bachelors Degree in Digital Communications at Humber College. I love learning new things and connecting with others being able to use my skills and knowledge to make a difference and leave a positive impact on peoples lives.

What Do I Do?

I am a creative communicator seamlessly bridging the gap between pixels and individuals. I strive to create meaningful connections and expressive content through the power of design and communication. I have honed my digital skills in many areas over many years and am quite experienced with many different software’s and programs. This allows me to explore my creativity and use my knowledge to help others with their mission.

Some Of My Achievements

Social Media Management

In 2022, I was working part time at PARfect Swing, an indoor golf academy and small business in Oakville, ON. After being asked about what I plan to do for a career after my school, they gave me the opportunity to run their social media and use my skills to benefit the business through using social media as a tool for marketing. It was a great opportunity and learning experience for me to learn the ropes of digital marketing and a way for me to greatly improve my graphic design, writing, and marketing skills.

Music Production

I have been producing music for over five years now and have a deep understanding of audio and how it works through my experience using FL Studio an audio engineering software. In my third year of producing I managed to start selling beats and audio tracks which is a huge accomplishment for me because music is something I truly love and have a passion for. being able to spread my work and have people listen to something I created is really special to me.

Editing Contracts

One of the first media projects I was ever payed for was doing video editing contracts for different companies. My first ever commissioned for, was editing the "Envision Summit Retreat" that took place in New York City for the CNMA (Christian and Missionary Alliance). This was a big stepping stone in me pursuing a career in digital media and communications. Since then I have improved significantly and always enjoy getting to edit videos, films, and more.

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